Hevea rubber mat, 35x22 cm "21418530" - TopShop.is

Hevea rubber mat, 35x22 cm "21418530"

Product code: 21418530

5.200 kr.

Hevea rubber mat, 35×22 cm

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Hevea rubber mat, 35x22 cm "21418530"
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Hevea rubber mat, 35×22 cm

Item description:
Made from Hevea tree sap 100% (natural) rubber.
Hevea – in Latin – a rubber tree, from the juice of which environmentally friendly rubber pacifiers and toys are made.
Does not contain: phthalates, dyes, PVC, silicone, Bisphenol A (BPA), toxic substances.
Smooth, elastic, ideal for little hands.
Intended for children of all ages.
It can be put in the mouth and bitten.
Can be used for games.
The shape of the toys, which is convenient for the child, allows the formation of fine motor skills.
Increases children’s mobility, tactile and visual skills.
A clean and environmentally friendly product.
The packaging is made of clean and biodegradable materials.

Product photos are for illustrative purposes only and are exemplary.

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