Built-in wall shelf Balneo Wall-Box One, Black ,,62017828" - TopShop.is

Built-in wall shelf Balneo Wall-Box One, Black ,,62017828"

Product code: 62017828

24.400 kr.

WALL-BOX ONE will help organize the space in the bathroom and give it a modern look. The always elegant black color will give the effect of modernity and order. You can put cosmetics and perfumes on the shelves, and shampoos, gels and other bathroom accessories will fit in the shower cabin.

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Built-in wall shelf Balneo Wall-Box One, Black ,,62017828"
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Built-in wall shelf Balneo Wall-Box One, Black

Item description:
Width: 60 cm.
Height: 30 cm.
Depth: 7 cm.

The shelves of the WALL-BOX ONE series will also be perfect in the bedroom, replacing nightstands for storing necessary little things, in the kitchen for spices or as niches for decorative elements in the salon.

Made of high quality stainless steel (AISI 304), WALL-BOX shelves are not subject to corrosion due to contact with water and high humidity in the bathroom or kitchen.

WALL-BOX ONE can be installed in many walls or niches.


Product photos are for illustrative purposes only and are exemplary.

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Stainless Steel

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