Stainless steel precise cooker, thermal immersion circulator INKBIRD -

Stainless steel precise cooker, thermal immersion circulator INKBIRD

Product code: ISV-100

14.000 kr.

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Stainless steel precise cooker, thermal immersion circulator INKBIRD
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This device will allow you to easily obtain the exact temperature of the desired dish. At the same time, it will come in handy when you lack the time to bake something at low temperature for a long time. All you have to do is vacuum the pork shoulder, biscuit or ribs, plug in the sous-vide device and leave everything warm. After all, the prepared meat can be stored in the fridge for a long time and, when you need to make something quickly, here and now, just pull it out and fry it briefly.
Power: 1000 W

SKU: ISV-100 Vöruflokkar: , ,
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