Siemens afkölkunartöflur „TZ80001N" -

Siemens afkölkunartöflur „TZ80001N"

Product code: SI10013

2.100 kr.

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Siemens afkölkunartöflur „TZ80001N"
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Technical data:

  • Siemens cleaning tablets for SIEMENS / BOSCH coffee machines. They clean the coffee grounds from the coffee grease and thick residues. Take care of your coffee machine and it will serve you longer!
  • Every 180 coffee portions, the coffee machine will ask you to carry out a cleaning program. Then start the fully automatic cleaning program and, when prompted, place 1 cleaning tablet in the ground coffee container and continue following the program steps (see the instructions for the specific model).
SKU: SI10013 Vöruflokkar: ,

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