Rúmteppi SIESTA 140x200 - TopShop.is

Rúmteppi SIESTA 140x200

Product code: siesta140

4.600 kr.

Upper fabric: 100% polyester
Bedspread filling: 100% polyester
Made in China
Weight: 1,160kg

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Rúmteppi SIESTA 140x200
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The bedspread is one of the textile elements of the bedroom – visible, functional and helps to create the desired atmosphere and style. A bedspread can harmoniously complement a solid design line, harmoniously blend into the concept of the style being created, but it can also be the other way around – a bright, expressive bedspread with unique patterns can become a breathtaking accent in the bedroom – whichever option you choose depends on your needs. Do not forget about the essential function of the bedspread – to protect the bed and bedding from dust, dirt, sunlight. This justifies the need to choose not only a fine but also a durable product.

While many focus on the visual image when choosing a bedspread, there are still more aspects to consider. The fabric of the bedspread determines its appearance, care features and durability. Our SIESTA bedspreads are made of high quality polyester. This synthetic fiber impresses with its exceptional characteristics and the impression of luxury it creates. The fabric is very strong, resistant to wear and tear, but at the same time extremely soft, light and elegant. You will enjoy this bedspread for a very long time – even after a lot of washing, it will not lose its representative appearance. So don’t hesitate if you’re looking for a bedspread for yourself or a practical gift for someone close to you.

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