Red castle cocoonababy ungbarnahreiður, hvít -

Red castle cocoonababy ungbarnahreiður, hvít

Product code: KIREDCASTLE

33.200 kr.

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Red castle cocoonababy ungbarnahreiður, hvít
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  • The shape of the cocoon creates a cozy and safe environment for the baby.
  • Helps suppress uncontrolled hand and foot jerking.
  • The shape of the cot is raised to the top 20 degrees, which improves the quality of sleep both at night and during the day.
  • A light rise makes it easier for you and your baby to communicate when he wakes up.
  • Helps prevent reflux and digestive problems.
  • The combination of foam ensures free and safe movement of the baby on the cot.
  • Age: from birth (2.8 kg) until the baby tries to overturn (approximately 3-4 months).
  • Dimensions: 69 x 40 x 19 cm.
SKU: KIREDCASTLE Vöruflokkar: ,
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