Ömmustóll - rugga Caretero Loop, grafít ,,24410750" - TopShop.is

Ömmustóll - rugga Caretero Loop, grafít ,,24410750"

Product code: 24410750

19.300 kr.

The new Caretero Loop swing has been improved with several modern solutions to help parents in their daily childcare routine. Apart from melodies and different spinning speeds, Caretero Loop also has a control panel! This swing also has voice recognition, so I automatically start swinging when the baby starts crying.

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Ömmustóll - rugga Caretero Loop, grafít ,,24410750"
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Suitable for children from 1 month to 12 kg.
It is easy and convenient to assemble and store the swing.
With a very soft bed.
Carousel with playful plush toys.
A control unit that can be controlled by a remote control.
Runs on 4 x AA batteries or AC adapter.
8 swing speeds.
Voice recognition function – automatically starts ringing when the baby starts crying.
With melodies.
Stable legs with non-slip bottom.
5-point seat belts.
Colorful design, quality materials.
Sturdy frame.
EN 16232, EN 71 certificates.
Dimensions: 68 x 66 x 84 cm.
Internal dimensions: 46 x 31 cm (seat), 46 x 45 cm (back support).
Weight: 4.6 kg.

SKU: 24410750 Vöruflokkar: ,
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