PonyCycle Tailstock hestur, dökkur brúnn með bremsu og hljóð ,,A313687" - TopShop.is

PonyCycle Tailstock hestur, dökkur brúnn með bremsu og hljóð ,,A313687"

Product code: A313687

55.100 kr.

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PonyCycle Tailstock hestur, dökkur brúnn með bremsu og hljóð ,,A313687"
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Hit the races with this realistic PonyCycle ® Ride On!
Children simply They move their feet up and down on the pedae to ride this a unique ponytail.

No batteries or batteries are needed to move around. Electricity: You just need to sigh your own muscles, creating a gallop motion that propels the PonyCycle ® forward.
Use the handles on either side of the head to guide the pony in the correct direction Direction.

PonyCycle ® is a fun new way to improve your balance and coordination and activation of children. Wooden handles provide the rider with stability and security, and give it a traditional feel. The PonyCycle ® Ride On has a seat and harness with synthetic leather. High Quality Plush Fabrics With Retail Patterns They give this handle a soft and comfortable feel. The mane and tail can be brushed, so Children can nurse the pony while playing with their imagination.

Thanks 4 easily sliding wheels, the PonyCycle ® Ride On is suitable for use both indoors and outdoors on level ground.

This model has another unique Feature!
To stop safely, it has a handbrake. What’s more, The driving experience is now even more realistic, because after When you press the button, you can hear the sound of galloping and neighing Horse!

Product Details:

  • Dimensions (length x width x height): 69 x 33 x 79 cm
  • Seat height: 49 Cm
  • Simulates riding a real pony
  • For indoor and outdoor use outside
  • handbrake for safe stop.
  • sound after at the press of the
  • Better tires, making it easier Ride
  • Required batteries: 3 x LR44
  • Care instructions: the surface can be wiped
  • Load capacity: 25 kg
  • Age: from 3 years

Caution: Use only under adult supervision!

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