Nuddtæki fyrir höfuð ,,44058058" -

Nuddtæki fyrir höfuð ,,44058058"

Product code: 44058058

2.400 kr.

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Nuddtæki fyrir höfuð ,,44058058"
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The massager is a very effective therapeutic tool that helps:
– reduce headache
– reduces stress and muscle tension
– improves blood supply to the head – improves the ability to think
– hair bulbs (accelerates hair growth)
– works against dandruff
– endorphins are released during the massage – “hormones of happiness” (endorphins also have an analgesic effect)

Extremely simple method of use, no instructions for use, no contraindications. We simply put it on the head and start gently massaging the entire scalp.

High quality product.

It includes: stainless steel wires finished with 12 resin tips, firmly attached with a steel handle.

SKU: 44058058 Vöruflokkar: ,

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