Nálastungur fótanuddskór 38/39, svartur ,,79870910" - TopShop.is

Nálastungur fótanuddskór 38/39, svartur ,,79870910"

Product code: 79870910

5.500 kr.

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Nálastungur fótanuddskór 38/39, svartur ,,79870910"
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Point self-massage of the foot area has a positive effect on the whole body – it can provide more energy, improve blood circulation and metabolism. Use the Yantra slippers for 10-30 minutes a day.

Since it comes with stickers, the slippers fit a wide range of foot widths.

Acupuncture therapy has been practiced in China and India for over 5,000 years. Point self-massage of the foot area has a positive effect on the whole body. The brain reacts to irritation and an impulse goes from the brain to the entire circulatory system of the body. Consequently, within a few minutes, the blood begins to circulate more actively throughout the body. Such self-massage is also very relaxing. You can also use slippers that activate foot points for prevention.

The slipper has 41 massage points, distributed according to body organs (you can also find the described body parts on the package). The strength of the point massagers is different to achieve optimal activation of the foot points.

Size – 38/39

SKU: 79870910 Vöruflokkar: ,

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