Mjúk leikmotta Canpol Babies - TopShop.is

Mjúk leikmotta Canpol Babies

Product code: 2/287

12.300 kr.

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Mjúk leikmotta Canpol Babies
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The play mat is made of soft, impregnated material.
Its high edges can be raised to create a small fence for a sleeping baby.
Hanging toys can be removed and used as separate rattles.
Lots of interesting, attractive elements: a soft rattle and a whistling element on the rug, a flower with a mirror, a soft roaring cow, a duck with a rattle, a plastic rattle “three flowers”.
Diameter – 98 cm.
Height of the bows at the joint: 52 cm.

SKU: 2/287 Vöruflokkar: ,
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