Kolagrill KAMADO BONO MINIMO ,,000000000626″ - TopShop.is

Kolagrill KAMADO BONO MINIMO ,,000000000626″

Product code: AP000000000626

65.300 kr.

  • The compact model is recommended for smaller groups of people (up to 7-8 people).
  • Perfect for nature trips or use on smaller terraces.


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Kolagrill KAMADO BONO MINIMO ,,000000000626″
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Veldu sendingarmáta:
  • The compact model is recommended for smaller groups of people (up to 7-8 people).
  • Perfect for nature trips or use on smaller terraces.


  • The diameter of the grill: 40 cm.
  • The diameter of the grill: 34 cm.
  • Barbecue weight (with packaging): 46 kg.
  • Color: black.

Included in the set:

  • Ceramic body, fiberglass gaskets, low stand.
  • Barbecue cover from the rain.
  • Ash cleaning tool.
  • BBQ Recipe Book (in English).
  • Ceramic deflector.
  • Tongs to lift the grille.
SKU: AP000000000626 Vöruflokkar: , , ,
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