Kolagrill KAMADO BONO GRANDE Limited ,,BO010043″ - TopShop.is

Kolagrill KAMADO BONO GRANDE Limited ,,BO010043″

Product code: APBO010043

144.800 kr.

  • Largest model for large groups of people (15 and more people).
  • It is economical, uses low carbon, has easy internal temperature control.
  • This model will allow you to enjoy all the benefits of Kamado BONO, as it can be equipped with all the accessories of the grill and is extremely spacious.
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Kolagrill KAMADO BONO GRANDE Limited ,,BO010043″
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Veldu sendingarmáta:
  • Largest model for large groups of people (15 and more people).
  • It is economical, uses low carbon, has easy internal temperature control.
  • This model will allow you to enjoy all the benefits of Kamado BONO, as it can be equipped with all the accessories of the grill and is extremely spacious.


  • The diameter of the grill: 64 cm.
  • The diameter of the grill: 54.5 cm.
  • Barbecue weight (with packaging): 128 kg.
  • Color: black.

Included in the set:

  • Ceramic body, fiberglass gaskets, side pallets, stand.
  • Barbecue cover from the rain.
  • Ash cleaning tool.
  • BBQ recipe book (in English).
  • Ceramic chicken stand.
  • Ash collection system.
SKU: APBO010043 Vöruflokkar: , , ,
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