Jólatrés toppur, blár, 28cm ,,GIF2091_BLUE" - TopShop.is

Jólatrés toppur, blár, 28cm ,,GIF2091_BLUE"

Product code: GIF2091_BLUE

2.000 kr.

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Jólatrés toppur, blár, 28cm ,,GIF2091_BLUE"
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Blue spike, Christmas tree top 28 cm

Our blue Christmas tree tip is the essence of Christmas sparkle and elegance.

The decoration has been carefully made of solid plastic, which makes them durable and resistant to damage.

The surface of the tip sparkles beautifully in the light of the Christmas lights, creating a magical and charming atmosphere in your home during the holidays.

Our Christmas tree decorations are versatile and go well with a variety of Christmas decoration styles.

Whether you prefer boho, rustic, Art Deco or glamour styles, the top will fit perfectly and emphasize the character of your Christmas tree.


Product code: GIF2091_BLUE

✅Height: 28 cm

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