Jólakönglar, vínrauðir, 4stk. ,,GIF3195_BURG" - TopShop.is

Jólakönglar, vínrauðir, 4stk. ,,GIF3195_BURG"

Product code: GIF3195_BURG

2.000 kr.

This is the perfect opportunity to bring the magic of Christmas into your home. In our full Christmas assortment you will find not only a variety of bauble models, but also beautiful Christmas trees and cute Christmas mugs.

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Jólakönglar, vínrauðir, 4stk. ,,GIF3195_BURG"
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Burgundy pine cones for Christmas tree, Christmas tree baubles 4 pcs. 1 pack

Add sparkle and elegance to your Christmas tree with our burgundy baubles in the shape of pine cones.

The burgundy color adds extraordinary elegance, and the glitter reflects the light beautifully.

This makes your Christmas tree the focal point of your festive festivities, and the interior takes on warmth and magic.

Baubles in the shape of pine cones blend in perfectly with other Christmas tree decorations, creating a coherent and harmonious arrangement.

You can freely combine different decorations with each other, and the pine cones will fill in the empty spaces between them, giving the whole thing a unique character.


Product code: GIF3195_BURG

✅ The set includes 4 baubles.

Burgundy pine cones for Christmas tree, Christmas tree baubles 4 pcs. 1 pack Longest dimension 9 cm
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