Háreyðingartæki með kælivirkni ,,40520268" - TopShop.is

Háreyðingartæki með kælivirkni ,,40520268"

Product code: 40520268

36.800 kr.

96 % women who have tried photoepilators all over the world no longer return to older hair removal methods. It’s enough to irritate reddened skin every day with razors and other makeshifts!

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Háreyðingartæki með kælivirkni ,,40520268"
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Using a photoepilator:
First, shave the hairs from the desired area (do not pull in any way), dry the skin, then perform the procedure with a photoepilator. For the first 2 months, use the photoepilator once a week. Use the photoepilator once every 2 weeks for 3-4 months. After 4 months, use the photo epilator once a month.

Important: do not use the photoepilator on heavily tanned skin, as this increases the chance of burning the skin. In addition, it will not be effective, because it will not be possible to remove hair from tanned skin. Please note that the photoepilator is not suitable for use on light hair.

LED screen
Cooling function
Professional design
Modern ventilation openings
5 strength levels
2 flash modes (auto and manual)
Flash resource: 500,000 (should be enough for 10 years)
Light frequency: 1.5-5.0 J/cm2
Beam length: 470-1100mm
Temperature of use: 5-35ºC
Product dimensions: 24 x 8 x 5 cm
Weight: 267 g.

• Say goodbye to shaving every morning
• Forget broken skin forever
• Quick and painless
• 5 different power modes
• Save – several times cheaper than in clinics – and the result is the same!

How does it work?
The emitted intense pulsed light turns into heat, which destroys the hair bulb, so the hair does not grow back for a very long time. The more melanin in the hair (i.e. the darker the hair), the more light can be absorbed and the more effective the emitted light is in removing hair. After just 4 procedures, you will enjoy up to 92% less hair on your skin.

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