Göngugrind bíll Kikkaboo, Beige "25123190" - TopShop.is

Göngugrind bíll Kikkaboo, Beige "25123190"

Product code: 25123190

21.400 kr.

Göngugrind bíll Kikkaboo, Beige

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Göngugrind bíll Kikkaboo, Beige "25123190"
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Walker Kikkaboo Car, Beige

Item description:
Soft seat.
Toys equipped with sound effects.
Adjustable seat height.
The front wheels turn 360 degrees.
Lockable rear wheels.
Suitable for children from 6 months.
Maximum child weight: 12 kg.

Kikkaboo’s mission is to provide a wide selection of stylish and quality baby products at affordable prices, focusing on product functionality, exceptional design and what fashion dictates.

Vaizdo rezultatas pagal užklausą „Kikkaboo logo“

Warning: To be used only under adult supervision.

CE marking is a declaration by the product manufacturer that the product complies with the requirements of the European Commission directives applicable to it.

Product photos are for illustrative purposes only and are exemplary.

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