Flísasög Dedra 1154, 1200 mm - TopShop.is

Flísasög Dedra 1154, 1200 mm

Product code: 5902628115409

25.300 kr.


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Flísasög Dedra 1154, 1200 mm
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Tile cutting machine Dedra 1154, 1200 mm

It is designed for processing glazed tiles and terracotta. The machine allows you to perform basic tile cutting operations. The ball bearing combination cutter and efficient breaker move along a single X-profile steel guide.

  • A solid guide to the X profile.
  • Aluminum base.
  • 6 ball bearings ensure the movement of the carriage along the guide.
  • The machine has a rubberized upper part, which makes work much easier.
  • Cutting length: 1200 mm.
  • Diamond cutting length: 848 mm x 848 mm.
  • Maximum plate thickness: 15 mm.
  • Cutting wheel: 22 mm.
  • Weight: 12.25 kg.
SKU: 5902628115409 Vöruflokkar: , ,
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