Fiktvörur (Fidget toys) penna "POP IT" (5 pc.) -

Fiktvörur (Fidget toys) penna "POP IT" (5 pc.)

Product code: 40771123

2.800 kr.

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Fiktvörur (Fidget toys) penna "POP IT" (5 pc.)
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Anti-stress toy – pen “POP IT”

  • Comfortable and soft-writing, gel pen. 5 pc. in set
  • At the back of the pen is a colored silicone toy for relieving anxiety and stress.
  • The Push Pop it Bubble anti-stress toy provides the satisfaction caused by the imitation of an exploding air bubble.
  • Suitable for children and adults to calm their minds or divert them from stressful habits.
  • Recommended for children from 3 years.
  • Material: silicone.
  • Dimensions: 19.5×3 cm.

Attention. The color/toy is selected at random.

SKU: 40771123 Vöruflokkar: ,
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