Ferrli Large sléttujárn ,,77529747" - TopShop.is

Ferrli Large sléttujárn ,,77529747"

Product code: 77529747

31.900 kr.

The Ferrli straightener is perhaps the only one on the European market that has all 4 of the world’s safest hair technologies.

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Ferrli Large sléttujárn ,,77529747"
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Veldu sendingarmáta:

1. Nominated for one of the safest mirror titanium plates for hair. When other plates dry the hair, these plates preserve the hair’s natural moisture.

2. Infrared technology that penetrates the inside of the hair, protecting the outside of the hair cuticle, making the hair extremely shiny and smooth.

3. Built-in negative ion generator, which acts at the level of the structure, destroys hair puffiness and frizz. Saturates the hair with millions of ions, making it extremely soft and healthy. This is the number 1 technology for lightened hair.

4. Intelligent temperature control. With the Ferrli straightener, you will straighten your hair at a record low temperature, your hair will be extremely vibrant and shiny.

All these technologies ensure an impressive straightening result at extremely low temperatures. Hair after this straightener will be indescribably shiny, smooth and saturated with Ion.

FERRLI rectifier:

Twice the size of the plates, will allow you to straighten your hair even faster and more efficiently!
Straightens hair in one swipe.
When straightening the hair, the infrared technology closes the hair scales, the hair is no longer so branched, it is even more shiny.
It is suitable even for extremely damaged hair, after dyeing or chemical treatments.
Suitable not only for home, but also for professional use.
Fast, efficient and the best on the market!

Technical specifications:

Double coated mirror titanium and tourmaline plates.
Luxurious Soft touch design.
Infrared function.
Negative ion generator.
Digital display with adjustable temperature up to 230°C.
Temperature control system.
Double-strength PTC heating elements that keep the temperature constant.
Dimensions of the plates: 5cm x 11 cm.
360° rotating cable for convenient straightening.
Security System. Automatic shutdown after 1 hour of non-use.
A 2-year Global Warranty is provided.

SKU: 77529747 Vöruflokkar: ,
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