Electrolux hraðsuðukanna ,,EEWA7700" - TopShop.is

Electrolux hraðsuðukanna ,,EEWA7700"

Product code: ACEEWA7700

12.400 kr.

This Electrolux kettle is a smart and practical kitchen assistant.

  • The elegant, silver color kettle is made of high-quality and durable stainless steel.
  • The rise in water temperature is displayed on the top of the handle.
  • Can customise the temperature setting to cater to your own taste, and this intelligent kettle is able to maintain that specific temperature for up to 30 minutes.
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Electrolux hraðsuðukanna ,,EEWA7700"
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Electric kettle ,,EEWA7700″

This Electrolux kettle is a smart and practical kitchen assistant.

  • The elegant, silver color kettle is made of high-quality and durable stainless steel.
  • The rise in water temperature is displayed on the top of the handle.
  • Can customise the temperature setting to cater to your own taste, and this intelligent kettle is able to maintain that specific temperature for up to 30 minutes.


  • Capacity: 1,7 l.
  • Power: 2400 W.
  • Simple handling.
  • Power cord built into the kettle base.
  • Rotating 360° base.
  • Hidden heating element.
  • Low amounts of limescale due to efficient filter.
  • Removable filter.
  • Transparent water level indicator inside of the kettle.
  • LCD display, indicating the current water temperature.
  • Patented automatic shutdown feature.
  • Protection against overheating.
  • Made of high-quality stainless steel.

In the set:

  • Kettle.
  • User guide.
SKU: ACEEWA7700 Vöruflokkar: ,




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