Eldhúsvog Caso EcoMate ,,03268" - TopShop.is

Eldhúsvog Caso EcoMate ,,03268"

Product code: 03268

5.500 kr.

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Eldhúsvog Caso EcoMate ,,03268"
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Product color: Stainless steel
Maximum weight (capacity): 5 kg
Items added: No
Display: Yes
Type: Batteryless usage
Auto Power Off: Yes
Other features: Weighing surface (Ø 11.5 cm)
Easy to read screen: Yes
Clock function: No
Low battery indicator: No
Unit of measurement: Grams, Oz, ml
Graduation: 1 g
Screen type: LCD
Tare weighing function: Yes

Special Features
By turning the swivel arm kinetic energy is produced for up to 3 minutes;
Space-saving storage thanks to flat, compact design;
Magnetic base allows the scales to be stored on magnetic surfaces such as a fridge door

SKU: 03268 Vöruflokkar: , ,
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