Eldhúsvog Caso EcoMaster ,,75289992" - TopShop.is

Eldhúsvog Caso EcoMaster ,,75289992"

Product code: 75289992

6.500 kr.

Kitchen scales are not just kitchen scales. Innovative CASO Design kitchen scales can surprise you with their exclusive, elegant design and especially innovative functions. Battery-free operation, weighing sensor down to the gram, convenient operation and practical tare function – there is a suitable device for everyone!

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Eldhúsvog Caso EcoMaster ,,75289992"
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Main data of CASO Design Kitchen EcoMaster:
Eco-friendly designer kitchen scales
No batteries required: eco-friendly and sustainable
Spinning the energy wheel generates energy for up to 3 minutes
Weighing scales up to 5 kg in 1 g increments
Weighing units: grams, ounces, water ml and milk ml
With a practical tare function
Easy to read LCD digital display
Extremely flat design
Automatic shutdown

The ecological kitchen scale “Kitchen EcoMaster” from CASO Design combines high-quality design with innovative functions. The polished stainless steel surfaces and purist design make the smart designer kitchen scales look particularly attractive. But not only the form, but also the functions can be liked. Intuitive control combined with smart and ecological energy production technology using muscle power is a strong argument in a modern and sustainable kitchen. Thanks to the innovative energy technology, the Kitchen EcoMaster can be used for up to 3 minutes without a battery. Just spin the energy wheel and go!

The CASO Design “Kitchen EcoMaster” can reliably weigh up to 5 kg in 1 g increments. Thanks to the practical additional weighing function (tare), several ingredients can also be weighed separately. This is especially useful when preparing large recipes. You can quickly and easily read the weight of the ingredients on the high-definition LCD digital display in as many as 3 weighing units, namely grams (g), ounces (oz) and milliliters (ml). The LCD screen turns off automatically after use, and the compact kitchen helper can simply fit in a kitchen drawer.

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