Andlitsnuddtæki IDItalian ,,78868347" -

Andlitsnuddtæki IDItalian ,,78868347"

Product code: 78868347

4.500 kr.

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Andlitsnuddtæki IDItalian ,,78868347"
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An ultra-innovative wearable system to combat the signs of aging. Its system of releasing positive and negative ions helps to increase the energy of skin cells, accelerates metabolism, regeneration and makes it softer and brighter.

Use in combination with the right cosmetics helps the nutrients to penetrate the skin:
– Power source: DC3V CR-2032 batteries (included)
– Usage time: use 10 programs
– Battery life: 35-45 procedures
– Dimensions: 66 x 72 x 34 mm

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