Acupressure motta Akumata, 73x43 cm ,,72292654" -

Acupressure motta Akumata, 73x43 cm ,,72292654"

Product code: 72292654

8.900 kr.

Do you struggle with constant back pain and tension and neck stiffness? Your body is overloaded, so you feel bad? Or do you dream of relaxing your body? With akumata you will hit! Among other things, acupressure massage reduces muscle tension, restores strength and strengthens the body.

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Acupressure motta Akumata, 73x43 cm ,,72292654"
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Akumata – how is it different?

✅ high sharpness of thorns,
✅ made in Poland,
✅ good quality material – 100% cotton,
✅ spikes are made of ABS plastic,
✅ set with acupressure cushion,
✅ the acupressure mat is also available in other colors and larger sizes

The acupuncture mat will benefit anyone who is dealing with:
– for pains in the back and other parts of the body,
– muscle tension,
– headache or stomach ache,
– insomnia,
– cellulite and stretch marks.

Akumata is ideal for office workers, physically active people, professional drivers and anyone who spends most of the day in the same body position.

– those taking anticoagulants,
– heart disease and conditions related to blood clotting,
– hypersensitivity and skin diseases,
– skin irritations and injuries,
– sunburn,
– tumors.

If there are warts or moles, they must be covered with a patch during the massage.

How to use an acupressure mat?

The acupressure mat should be used so that the needles press directly on the body. At first, it can cause discomfort, so beginners of acupressure are recommended to perform a 10-15 minute massage while wearing a thin cotton T-shirt. Over time, this should be extended to 20-40 minutes a day on the mat. Acupressure can be performed lying down (on the floor or in bed) or sitting (eg on a chair). Acupressure foot massage on the mat is also relaxing and energizing. During the massage, a pleasant feeling of warmth is felt, and soon after it, redness can be noticed on the skin.

The set includes:
– Rug,
– spiky cushion,
– kit packaging.

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