U-laga ferðakoddi, blár ,,80491297" - TopShop.is

U-laga ferðakoddi, blár ,,80491297"

Product code: 80491297

4.900 kr.

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U-laga ferðakoddi, blár ,,80491297"
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Item description:

Innovative design for a comfortable fit, providing optimal support and helping to maintain a coordinated sleeping posture.
Three points of support: The pillow is designed to provide comprehensive support for the neck and head. It promotes a sense of security and comfort while sleeping.
Slow-recovery memory foam inner container: Inside the pillow is a slow-recovery memory foam that effectively absorbs the pressure exerted on it. This feature ensures that the pillow conforms to the contours of your neck, providing personalized support.
The pillow cover is removable and washable: This ensures that you can always maintain a clean and hygienic sleeping environment.
The pillow is equipped with a lock that allows you to easily adjust the density according to your needs. This feature increases the adaptability of the pillow to different comfort levels.

SKU: 80491297 Vöruflokkar: ,

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