Smásjá sett Deluxe, Eastcolight 100/450/900X, 90081 -

Smásjá sett Deluxe, Eastcolight 100/450/900X, 90081

Product code: 100/450/900X, 90081

10.300 kr.

Discover the world with new products from the Eastcolight brand is so easy! A microscope with 100-300- or 600-fold magnification is a whole home laboratory in one set

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Smásjá sett Deluxe, Eastcolight 100/450/900X, 90081
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For children from about 8 years of age.
Suitable for both boys and girls.
It will be most enjoyed by those children who are interested in astronomy.
Packaging dimensions: 38 x 9 x 34 cm.
Weight: 2 kg.
Batteries required (not included).

SKU: 100/450/900X, 90081 Vöruflokkar: , ,
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