Klósettbursti með handhafa Profile Brabantia, Hvítur ,,25402880" - TopShop.is

Klósettbursti með handhafa Profile Brabantia, Hvítur ,,25402880"

Product code: 25402880

11.500 kr.

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Klósettbursti með handhafa Profile Brabantia, Hvítur ,,25402880"
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Toilet brush with holder Profile Brabantia, White

Item description:
The toilet brush and holder are made of high-quality and corrosion-resistant material. The brush bristles are plastic. The bottom of the holder has a protective ring that prevents the floor from being scratched. Can be hung on the wall or standing. Removable inner bucket – easy to clean and hygienic.

Height: 430 mm.
Length: 125 mm.
Width: 115 mm.

Product photos are for illustrative purposes only and are exemplary.

SKU: 25402880 Vöruflokkar: , ,

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