Fljúgandi dúkka ,,GXP-786344" - TopShop.is

Fljúgandi dúkka ,,GXP-786344"

Product code: 44252528

9.300 kr.

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Fljúgandi dúkka ,,GXP-786344"
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Discover the stunning Hatchimals Pixie fairy that emits lights and flies! Crystal Flyers are the first Hatchimals Pixies that can actually fly. Inside the amazing crystal egg, you’ll find the beautiful Crystal Flyer Pixie with magical wings, a rainbow colored dress and even more amazing makeup. Take out the figure inside and charge it with the included USB cable. Once the toy is fully charged, it’s ready to fly and light up the sky!

The LEDs on the fairy dress will flash and her shiny wings will flutter. Release her and she will magically fly! Thanks to the sensor built into the toy, it can detect your hands, so you can control the fairy with your hands. Raise your hands up and the fairy will rise higher. Put your hands down, she will fly down. When the fairy flies over your hands, her dress and wings will start to twinkle. One toy, so many surprises and surprises!

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