Demantsbor siti Specialist+ D70 M14 -

Demantsbor siti Specialist+ D70 M14

Product code: 477300594070

9.600 kr.


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Demantsbor siti Specialist+ D70 M14
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Diamond drill bit Specialist+ D70 M14

  • Diameter: 70 mm.
  • Diamond drill bit is designed to be used with an angle grinder.
  • The drill bits made using the new advanced vacuum technology are characterized by durability and high efficiency.
  • These drill bits are designed for both dry and wet drilling of especially hard materials.
  • M14 screw fastening is intended for angle grinders. An angle grinder ensures high rotations needed for the efficient performance of the drill bit.
  • It is an especially effective way for dry drilling of hard materials such as especially hard stone mass tiles.
  • Service life of the drill bit can be prolonged by using water.
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