Brabantia sápudæla Profile, Hvítur ,,46805472" -

Brabantia sápudæla Profile, Hvítur ,,46805472"

Product code: 46805472

7.500 kr.

Thanks to its universal design, this soap dispenser is perfect for the bathroom, toilet or kitchen.

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Brabantia sápudæla Profile, Hvítur ,,46805472"
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Brabantia soap dispenser Profile, White

Item description:
The dispenser is made of corrosion-resistant materials. The large opening makes filling easy and quick. Can be used for shampoo or other products. Easy to disassemble and clean.

Capacity 180 ml.
Height 16.5 cm.
Width 6.5 cm.
Depth 9.5 cm.

Product photos are for illustrative purposes only and are exemplary.

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